People’s Union for Democratic Rights

A civil liberties and democratic rights organisation based in Delhi, India

On 9th May a young 25 year old migrant woman  living in Kutcha Jhuggi in Baljeet Nagar was raped by police constable attached to the Patel Nagar Police Station. According to press reports, this was followed by a second attempt but attempt was foiled and the constable arrested. Although an FIR was filed, the constable was granted bail on the ground of delay in filing the complaint.  The SHO of Patel Nagar aaserted that this was not a case of custodial rape , since the woman had not been taken into custody. In all the custodial rape case PUDR has investigated, this is the speediest instance of grant of bail – in just four days.

Out of the total 15 cases of custodial rapes in past few years, PUDR has investigated 5 cases. In all these cases, the victims were migrant woman with socially and economically vulnerable background.Attitude of police who as also the investigating agency is found to be prejudiced in favor of accused policemen. This leads to dangerous distortion in registration of complaint and in framing charges, thus creating convenient loopholes for the accused to exploit at the judicial level.

To download the report click below
ballajit-nagar-cutodial- rape.pdf

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